
bone dry

.bone 'dry
completely dry
 There had been no rain for months and the land was bone dry.
1. By working at tremendous speed, the men managed to get the dish on to dry land before the wave returned.

2. But there were times when not a single piece of dry wood could be found and even Humboldt lay with his eyes wide open, listening to the roars of the beasts that surrounded them.

3. The ground must be neither too wet nor too dry.

4. This realization now entered my life like a flow of water dividing previously dry and solid ground, creating two banks, one of which was my past — so familiar and predictable that even my unhappiness then made me happy now just to think of it;
    这种认识就象一股水流一样流进我的生活,把先前干涸坚实的土地一分为二,造成了河流的两岸。河岸的一边是我的过去——这对我来说是如此熟悉, 如此地可以预料,以至于我只要想到它,原先使我感到不快的东西也会使现在的我变得开心起来。

5. The owner hands out AIDS information to all her clients when they enter the shop and shows videos on AIDS prevention while they wait for their hair to dry.

6. He put a large quantity of vermouth, both sweet and dry, into a pitcher of ice, added a smaller amount of gin, stirred the concoction rapidly, and poured it out.

7. Dry wood makes a good blaze.

8. Dry wood burns easily.

9. A bird ,a bulrush, a bone.
    一只鸟, 一根芦苇, 一块骨头.

10. After a bath I dry myself with a towel.
